Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Amazing Nature - About Meteor Showers

What are meteor showers?

A meteor shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.

How do meteor showers happen?
As a comet travels close to the Sun, it heats up and part of the comet vaporizes. After a comet has orbited the Sun many times, a lot of small pieces of the comet are left along the comet's path. A meteor shower happens when Earth passes through the path of a comet. When this happens, the bits of comet debris, most no larger than a grain of sand, create streaks of light in the night sky as they burn up in Earth's atmosphere. Bits of debris which enter Earth's atmosphere are called meteors. On any night, there are several small meteors which shoot across the sky. However, during a meteor shower, tens to hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. Many of these meteor showers can be predicted and occur at the same time each year. 

How often do meteor showers happen?

On most nights, an attentive observer might expect to see between two and ten meteors per hour, depending on the season and time: more meteors are seen in the autumn, and rates are highest as dawn approaches.
Meteor showers occur at the same time each year, as Earth in its annual orbit around the Sun ploughs through streams of debris. About twenty prominent showers are recognized, varying in activity from a handful of meteors per hour, to one per minute or more. Some can even, on occasion, produce storms in which the sky is filled with meteors for a short time.

A meteor shower that is expected to happen at the 5th and 6th May of 2014

The meteor shower is a natural phenomenon that is rarely seen by human, maybe because it often occurs late at night. But in my opinion, it is a very beautiful event which should be witnessed by us before we die. I hope to see one someday :)

Have a nice day! :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Student Council - The Next Leader (An English Task)

Hello my fellow friends, my name is Siti Haura Khairani and I am the second candidate in this year head of student's council election. In this time I have been given, I wish to tell you about my visions, missions, and also the programs I would do If I were to be elected as the head of student's council.

First of all, my vision is to bring the student council and also the whole school to a better condition in terms of academic, non-academic activities, and also in morality. As I have seen the school condition these days, the process of studying is not very efficient, which creates a non effective time to gain knowledge. Then, I see that non-academic activities are not very supported by the school itself. To me, it is not a good thing since high school is a place where you should not only expand your knowledge but also to explore your other potentials. Last but not least, the morality in this school is not as respected it was and I will try to bring it back to how it once was.

To support my vision, my missions are first to create a comfortable environment both for students and for teachers so that the studying process can go effectively. Other than comfortable environment I will also try to adjust the wants of the students and the teachers so both of these components will be more content in the process of studying. Second mission is to maximize the non-academic activities such as organization and extracurricular activities. Though knowledge is important, soft skill is also a must have and much better if it is improved. Third mission is to bring back the sense of respect for morality from all the people of the school, so this school will once again remember that to be a great person, you first must have manners.

These are the list of  programs I would like to make if I was chosen:
1. Frequent studying activities outside the class
2. A discussion form between representation of students and the teachers about studying process
3. Arts & Music Recital
4. Anti-Swearing Day

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone for giving me an opportunity to be entrusted as a candidate and the possibility of being the head of student council. It is both a touching and horrifying experience. Also, seeing the other fellow candidates, I can't help but to admire everything they have more than me. I am not going to make everyone to vote for me, but I am here to ask you to vote for the best for our school. I can't promise you that everything I have said will happen, but I can promise you I will try and be the best leader for everyone.

Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Conditional Sentences - An English Task

1. a. If I have more time in the world, I will spend it with the people I love
    b. If I had more time in the world, I would spend it with the people I love
    c. If I had had more time in the world, I would have spent it with the people I love

2. a. If I come to your house, I will bring some food and snacks
    b. If I came to your house, I would bring some food and snacks
    c. If I had come to your house, I would have brought some food and snacks

3. a. If my family choose to go on a vacation this year, I will pick Europe as the destination
    b. If my family chose to go on a vacation this year, I would pick Europe as the destination
    c.If my family had chosen to go on a vacation this year, I would have picked Europe as the destination

4. a. I'll bake you a cake if you will tell me when your birthday is
    b. I'd bake you a cake if you told me when your birthday is
    c. I'd have baked you a cake if you had told me when your birthday was

5. a. If I'm not your first love, I will try to be your last
    b. If I was not your first love, I would try to be your last
    c. If I had not been your first love, I would have tried to be your last

6. a. I will pick you up if the weather doesn't go any worse
    b. I would pick you up if the weather didn't go any worse
    c. I would have picked you up if the weather hadn't gone any worse

7. a. The cat will come to you if you are nice to it
    b. The cat would come to you if you were nice to it
    c. The cat would have come to you if you had been nice to it

8. a. I will finish my book if the teachers give us a free-from-homework holiday
    b. I would finish my book if the teachers gave us a free-from-homework holiday
    c. I would have finished my book if the teacher had given us a free-from-homework holiday

9. a. If you want, I can accompany you throughout the night
    b. If you wanted, I could accompany you throughout the night
    c. If you had wanted, I could have accompanied you throughout the night

10 . a. The bank robbery won't happen if the security is tight enough
       b. The bank robbery wouldn't happen if the security was tight enough
       c. The bank robbery wouldn't had happened if the security had been tight enough

The Holiday Chronicles

So.. Hello everyone! Can you believe it's already 2014? Time flies by so fast... Apparently the last time I updated this blog was sometime last year, very sorry about that ^^v

As we all know new year means a new beginning for the school semester. But before that there is the rare occasion  of holiday (since holiday seems almost like a myth in my school) and I am here to tell you about it! :) Though I warn you it might not be that interesting but hey, thanks for taking your time to read my story ;)

First of all, I didn't really go anywhere on my holiday. The only time I got out of the city was probably when our school had this program where we had to stay for 2 nights and 3 days at a village and lived as villagers there. It was really fun, actually :) We got to enjoy the different atmosphere of the countryside. Also, we got to experience living like the people there. How they eat, work, and even clean up, we got to experience them all!

The most fun I had was when we had to teach the children there. Although it was more of 'having fun with the kids' rather than teaching, it had given us a chance to get closer to them :) Also, I had a lot of fun trekking the plantation which was pretty much overpopulated by a bunch of scallions... But I got to visit Citarum River at the bottom of the plantation! It did work us up a lot of sweat but it was worth it ;) When will you experience a thing like that once you're in the city?

I can't also thank you enough to the family that had taken me and a few of my friends to stay in their house for a couple of days. I couldn't help but to feel like a burden to them, but they treated our stay with the warmest welcome. I just wish I could give them something a bit more but alas, I didn't have a chance :( I just send my prayers for the best to them for being such generous and kind hearted people <3

Long story short I got home, one day before the report card was given and one day before it was the election for the next theatre extracurricular leader. I didn't expect I could go on until the top 3... But nonetheless I was there and apparently I got chosen :) Through all the shame I did performing in the school canteen, I did it. So there's one task I have to carry on for this one year, that's what I had in my mind. I wish I can be a leader they need me to be :D

Other than those stories, I spent my holiday catching up on old friends, new friends.. Hanging out with them. Also I got to finish a TV show serial and a few movies. Not to forget we were given a task throughout the holiday.. But I guess I really wanted to spent the holiday peacefully... So I didn't get to work on it until a few days before school came back ^^v The holiday can sometimes bring out the laziness in me...

The most boring story has got to be new year's eve though.. While everyone was out partying, waiting for the clock to strike 12, I was at home, also waiting for the clock to strike 12. The difference is while everyone was dressed up I was in my pyjamas. I didn't really plan on doing anything on new year's eve anyway so I wasn't disappointed. Once it was officially 2014 I could hear the roaring of fireworks coming from every corners of the sky. The sound it made probably kept me awake but I didn't fall asleep until it was about 2. So much for fixing my sleeping schedule, too..

At the last three days of our holiday, me and my friends from PK had a 3 days and 2 nights stay for the sake of our organization and also to refresh our mind together. But the thought of school coming nearer haunted me until the end of the week. When I finally got home I realized I had to get back to my old schedule and prepare the books for the next day. It was a nice 2 weeks holiday but still, we may need some more for the sake of our sanity.

That's all about my holiday! It's not much, but I'd just like to get that out to all of you :) I hope you have a good day! Merci <3