Saturday, September 28, 2013

English Task - How To Make A Driver's License in Indonesia

Foreigners holding a KITAS or a KITAP are allowed to obtain an Indonesian driver's license - SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi) anywhere in the country. Tourists, Sosbud visa holders and Business visa holder can be issued a SIM valid for 1 or 3 months anywhere were the Direktorat Lantas is equipped with correct software - Bali, Jogja, Jakarta, Manado, Makassar, etc.
The general requirements for a license in Indonesia is that you must be at least 17 years old, pass the theory test, and pass the practical test.

Using an agent - or applying in person

Most employers are willing to assist you by obtaining the services of an agent. This agent may be employed by your company or work for an independent service bureau 'Biro Jasa'. In the latter case, they add an additional fee onto the actual cost of making the license to cover their services. An additional fee of 100++% is not uncommon. This agent knows the procedures and can help you complete the paperwork quickly. The applicant is only required to meet the agent at the Department of Motor Vehicles for their photograph, fingerprints, and signature. Agent fees range in cost from Rp. 500,000 to 700,000 (11/2011).
If an expat wants to apply for a driver's license in person, without the assistance of an agent, it is not a very difficult procedure and relatively efficient. Assuming that the applicant is in possession of all the necessary documents, the entire procedure should not take more than one or two hours, depending on the number of applicants that day.
The best time to apply for a driver's license is as early in the morning as possible, Monday through Thursday. The office tends to be busier at the beginning of the month, as opposed to the middle or the end of the month. The worst times to go are on Fridays just before noon, when all the employees take a longer lunch break to go to Friday prayers at the mosque, as well as right before closing time on any day.

Procedure to Make a Driver's License in Jakarta

1. Go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, which is responsible for issuing driver's licenses for residents of Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi:
Satuan Penerbitan Administrasi SIM (SAT) - PAS Polda Metro Jaya
Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 11
Jakarta Barat
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, 8:00-12:00 on Saturdays

Visit the Lantas Metro website for more information on processing a drivers license for foreigners
Note: If your application is received before 12:00, it will be completed that day. Applications submitted between 12:00 and 1:00 will be accepted and processing will begin, but the license will have to be picked up the following day. The office stops accepting new applications after 1:00 pm, but continues to process the applications submitted earlier that day - until 4:00 pm.
You will need to bring:
  • Original passport
  • Original valid KITAS (Temporary Stay Permit) card
  • Valid Indonesian driver's license, foreign driver's license, or international driver's license (as applicable)
  • Photocopies of the identity, entry stamp, and valid visa pages in your passport
  • Photocopy of your KITAS card
  • Photocopy of your current driver's license (from your home country)
  • Doctor's note of good health
You may also be asked for:
  • Sponsor letter from your company/sponsor (with meterai)
  • Copy of Blue Book / POA
  • Copy of your STM
  • Copy of your SKLD
  • Copy of your SKTT
  • Personal letter stating your height, weight, body details, mother's and father's names (no meterai needed)
2. Go to the front of the building and purchase 'Tanda Pembayaran Permohonan Pembuatan Surat Ijin Mengemudi' slip from either of the two bank offices on the premises, Bank Rakyat Indonesia or Bank International Indonesia. This slip represents the payment of the official fee.
As per the new Peraturan pemerintah RI nomor 50 tahun 2010 tentang jenis dan tarif atas jenis penerimaan negara bukan pajak yang berlaku pada kepolisian negara RI legalised by Pak Presiden SBY at the end of May 2010, the police will be authorised to charge the following fees for the issuance of an Indonesian Driver's License:
  • SIM A: new issuance IDR 120.000, renewal: IDR 80.000
  • SIM C: new issuance IDR 100.000, renewal: IDR 75.000
  • SIM Internasional: new issuance: IDR 250.000, renewal: IDR 225.000
These are the legal fees that are valid all over Indonesia in any Kantor Polisi that is allowed to issue a driving license. The officials may try to get more money out of you, but stick to your guns as these are the legal prices.
License Classes:
  • A – private passenger or cargo vehicle, with weight allowed not exceeding 3,500 kg (must be at least 17 years old)
  • B1 – private passenger or cargo vehicle, with weight allowed exceeding 3,500 kg
  • B2 – cargo vehicle, semi trailers and other large rigs, over 1.000 kg
  • C – motorcycles (must be at least 17 years old)
  • D – special vehicle for disabled person
For a first issuance a IDR 50.000 fee can be added if you have used the services of the simulator* for the practical test.
For a first issuance or a renewal, a medical certificate from the police doctor is mandatory and is usually charged anything from IDR 20.000 to IDR 25.000.
3. Present this 'bank slip' at the adjoining booth and you will receive a copy of the application form (Surat Permohonan SIM).
4. Complete this form, which is only available in Bahasa Indonesia, and proceed to the foreigners window, No. 17 (Loket Orang Asing). You will be required to give:
  • photocopies of your passport
  • photocopy of your KITAS card
  • photocopy of your valid driver's license
  • bank slip
  • completed application form
5. At windows 23-26, your picture will be taken with a digital camera, your fingerprints will be taken with a digital scanner and you will be asked to sign a slip of paper, from which your signature is then scanned. There is a cardboard 'donation' box near the camera where you will be expected to donate approximately Rp 5,000-Rp 10,000. The attendant may say to you, 'Donations go there'.
6. You will then be asked to wait in the waiting area. The length of the wait depends on the number of people ahead of you, but is usually from 30 to 45 minutes. When your name is called, you can pick up your license at window 26 or 28, depending on the class of license that you are making. Again you will be expected to make a 'donation' of approximately Rp 3,000.
Foreigners are issued driver's licenses valid for one year from the date of issuance. Foreigners are only permitted to obtain Class A licenses (private cars) or Class C licenses (motorcycles).
Although it is fairly easy to obtain a driver's license, it may be somewhat difficult to adjust to the driving conditions that exist in most major Indonesian cities. Streets are very congested, traffic rules are ignored and streets are often in less than desirable condition - all of which results in a very stressful situation. Because of this most foreigners elect to employ a driver. Refer to our section on hiring household staff for information on hiring a driver. Even if you do have a driver, it is wise to have an Indonesian driver's license for those occasions when your driver is off or an emergency occurs after your driver has gone home for the day.
If you are on a sosbud visa or any short term visa kunjungan, you may be entitled to have a 3 month SIM issued under your name. Please note that not all POLDA will issue it - we've only heard of people successfully getting this license in Bali. If you are a KITAS holder you will have a one year SIM A or C issued.
If you are a KITAP holder, holding a KTP Asing (not hard to get), you will have a five years SIM A or C issued.
Interesting thread giving details on obtaining a drivers license in Bali

Practical Driving Test

According to a recent post on the Expat Forum, this was what one expat experienced in his driving test:
  1. Driving for 2 minutes around the test course to warm-up and for the official to observe driving habits.
  2. Driving in a zig-zag form (weaving in and out) around 10 pylons (each one around 30 centimeters in height, placed around 2 meters apart) for a total  distance around 30 meters. This must be done driving forward through  the 10 pylons, then driving in reverse through the 10 pylons.
  3. Parallel parking into a parking space formed by a set of those pylons
  4. Backing into a parking space formed by a set of those pylons
  5. Driving half way up a slope/incline, stopping sedan, setting  emergency brake, releasing emergency brake and continuing to the top of  the slope; then driving half way down the slope, stopping sedan, setting emergency brake, releasing emergency brake and continuing to the bottom.
Note: for SIM applications in Jakarta:  only motorbikes and sedans with manual engines are available for use for practical tests. If preferred, applicants are welcome to bring their own vehicles with automatic engines for the tests.

Renewing your Driver's License

Extending/renewing your driver's license is an easy fast process. Go to the Department Motor Vehicles on Jl Daan Mogot in Jakarta. Take a very brief eye test in the building on the edge of the parking lot. Then you go into the main building with your expired driver's licence and other ID (best to bring Passport or KIMS and a photocopy of both). If you've got all the required documents, you should be able to finish the process in 30-60 minutes. Rp. 20.000 eye test fee.

International Drivers' Licenses

International Drivers licenses, called SIM Internasional in Indonesia, have varying validity periods - one, five and 10 years. It's best to get the longer versions, though they cost more, to avoid the hassle of annual renewals. Legitimate international drivers license issuers require a valid national license as the basis of the international license. Always carry both cards when driving to show proof of national/international licenses. The international drivers license does not necessarily need to be issued in your home country, there are numerous sources:
In the US, there are only two agencies that can issue valid US IDPs. Other organizations issuing them are not issuing official US State Department sanctioned permits. Now, that is not to say that Indonesian officials will know this or won't accept the other permits. For International Drivers' Licenses issued in the US, consult the following information source - AATA.
In Indonesia, SIM Internasional are issued by Mabes POLRI in Jakarta.
Alternately, you can fill out the online form here and upload the required images -

One Day License for Tourists

The Indonesian government is starting a new process of "1 day licensing" for foreign visitors. You have to pay somewhere around Rp 100,000 and they'll take your photo and issue your temporary license in one day. The cost of the license varies according to the length of validity (months, year, etc).
This info applies to Denpasar, Bali and it may NOT be the same elsewhere.


Samsat, which stands for Sistem Administrasi Manunggal di bawah Satu Atap is the name of the governmental agency in charge for deliverance of STNK, Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor, Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor and to receive the annual payment of the Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB), Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor and SWDKLJJ. In fact it is the agency which is responsible for most of the administrative side of vehicle ownership. . It integrates functions and services which normally belongs to POLRI, PT Jasa Raharja (insurance system for road traffic accident) and Dinas Pendapatan Propinsi. SAMSAT has national authority for vehicule matters and has offices ine every city/bupati.
Here are the relevant documents that govern the issuance of Drivers Licenses in Indonesia:
About fees for driving license, issuance of STNK and TNKB
Peraturan pemerintah nomor 31 tahun 2004

About regulation concerning vehicules, administrative papers for vehicules, drivers and driver's license
Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 44 tahun 1993

General law concerning traffic
Undang Undang nomor 14 tahun 1992

A Special Note for Motorcyclists

There is a regulation in Indonesia that requires all people riding motorcycles to wear an Indonesian National Standard (SNI) helmet. If you are caught without one, the official fine is Rp 250,000.
Read our related article on on Buying a Car in Indonesia

Our thanks to Olivier Rula for all his help in updating much of this information.


1. What is the name of the governmental agency that is responsible for deliverance of STNK?
2. How many type(s) of driver's license are there in Indonesia?
3. How many step(s) of the test that you have to pass?
4. To whom this article is addressed to?
5. When is the best time to issue the driver's license?

Hope this info will be helpful! Have a nice day~ Haura ^^

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Little Reading Wouldn't Hurt ;)

Back then, I used to spend a relaxing day by reading books or surfing the internet to read some fictional stories. Sadly, these days I barely have time to finish even just one book :( So in the mean time, I found another way to get my daily fix of reading: indulging on short stories :D

Here's a short story I'd like to share. Written by one of the most well known fictional story writer, Neil Gaiman. This story is one of the examples of his many genius works. This story tells of two teenage boys that came from London, in which they were invited by one of their friend to come over to a party. The party was to be said full of girls and this fact for them is very exciting since they are used to attending an all boys school. When they finally found the house, they were startled at how beautiful the people at the party are. Their friend surely did not disappoint. They tried to make friends with every one of them, trying to get close to the girls there. But as the night got later, they realized there was  something strange about the party. As they talked to the people they just came to know, they realized this party took 'out of this world' to a whole new level.

Here is the link, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! :)

How To Talk To Girls At Parties by Neil Gaiman

Enjoy your day! Haura ^^


Why, hello there! *waves* :)
First of all, thank you for the people who are currently viewing this blog for taking your time and scrolling through -pretty much- the rants of my daily life. Since this is still new, and this is still my first post :D I hope you'll have a great time reading my posts and I also hope that I can give you some entertainment in any ways!

Okay, let's start with an introduction post, shall we?
My name's Siti Haura Khairani, but most people call me Haura :)

I was born on the 27th of April 1997 in a city called Bandung in Indonesia. I am the 3rd and the last child in my family. I have a huge gap from my siblings :o So huge even my brother has become a father of a very cute and handsome son!

 (Look how cute he is!)

There are things in life that makes me feel grateful for being born :) Well, there's music, food, books (fiction stories in general), etc. When we're talking about food, I can't miss out on my favorite guilty pleasure: chocolate

Apart from that, what makes me more grateful of life is the people that have always been there for me. Family, friends, love ♥ Without them I guess I'd be living a total dull life :)

So for now, that's enough about me ;) Once again thank you for visiting my blog, I hope in some ways I can cheer you up and make your day a whole lot better! Also, if there is anything you'd like to know more about me, please just comment! Talking to new people is always fun :)

Lots of love! Haura ^^