Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Story of #32015's Journey to Bali

Hello again! :) I am back here to share you the story of my journey to Bali with my schoolmates back in April. It was one of the most memorable experience in my life, and what better way to share your wonderful experience than to share it with your friends? :)

We went there by varieties of vehicles. We crossed every landscape, land, water, even air! First thing first, we rode the train from Bandung. We were told to gather at the station at about 4 PM. By the time I arrived, I could feel the excitement filled the air. The station was packed with people, whether they are the students from my school, their parents, or strangers. It was a few hours before we were told to get aboard the train at 8 PM. The train was very nice, and since it was my first experience riding a train in a long journey, I was pretty excited. By the time the train moved, people were chatting and making noises, our class got pretty hyperactive as the time went by. For some reason I didn't feel quite good after dinner so I decided to doze off for a while, only to fail because of my uncomfortable sitting position. Thankfully when morning came, I felt a bit rested. We arrived at Surabaya the morning after then continued our journey by bus. It was a little while until we arrived at a restaurant and had a lunch there. But after that we continued our journey to the pier. The journey by bus has got to be the most tiring one in my opinion. For some reason, I kept falling asleep rather than walking around and talking to people. But probably because of those unneeded sleep I tend to get tired easily. The sun had set by the time we arrived at the last stop before we go to the pier. After dinner, we continued our journey to the pier and got aboard. It was pretty hectic inside the ship, considering there were about 300 and more people on it. We finally arrived at Bali around 9 PM local time. With tired faces, we continued our not-ending-yet journey to our hotel in Denpasar. It took about 4 hours to get there. When we finally arrived, we dragged our suitcases into our respective rooms and  crashed into the beds, knowing we had to wake up early the next day.

The first day, we spent our morning in Tanjung Benoa, where we played varieties of water sports. For some reason I didn't feel like getting myself wet so I didn't choose many sports. In the end I only chose two, with one of them, parasailing, got exchanged with banana boat, because there were already too many people queuing and minimum time left. But it was okay since I finally got  to feel the sands on my toes and feel the sun light bathing my face once again. I missed the feeling of being on a beach <3

We changed our clothes and went to GWK, the famous unfinished sculpture. Until now, the sculpture had not yet been finished, only the fingers had finally been  made. The sculpture was designed to be so huge that if it did got displayed, it will be taller than the liberty statue! :o There, we were assigned to participate in a game. After the game was finished we took a photo of the whole #32015 who came :) It was amazing when you finally realized how many people you go to school with everyday. A few hours later we watched a performance of Bali's traditional dance/performance, which is the Kecak Dance.

The day passed and night came. We had dinner at the local seafood restaurant. We were actually in the middle of two groups of people who are also having an event, so it was pretty loud back then hahaha. We had dinner, played a few games, then it was closed with a performance by one of our friend, singing along to a song that got all of us to our feet and jammed to the song! It was super fun, one of the most fun nights I've ever had. But then it had to end, and we were taken back to the hotel to rest, where there will be new activities waiting for us the next day.

We woke up the next morning feeling pretty tired. But we had to get ready early like we did the day before. Our schedule for that day was first to visit a local village for tourist visits which was Desa Adat Panglipuran. We didn't do much there. We only took some photos, visit some of the houses there and did a little bit of shopping hehehe. But then we got to bus once again and continued our journey of the day to Kintamani, where we had such a delicious lunch and pray break. It was near the mountains so no wonder it was colder than other places in Bali. After filling our stomachs, we went to Sukowati, a market place to buy merchandise and other stuff with affordable prices. But to get it you have to bargain with the sellers to get an agreement price. It was so crowded and I decided to only buy a few sleeping garments for my mom and my sister. I'm not the type of person to bargain so I didn't try hard ^^v We went to the hotel a little earlier because at night we were going to have an event called MAKRAB! It is a night where all of the people from 3'2015 gather and bond, to create a better friendship between all of us :) It was filled with performance and awards. I got to perform with my extracurricular, Tiloe's Theatre. I just hoped we entertained all of the audience hehehe. Our class won some awards, and even the official song of 3'2015 was sung by ZHAGAM, a band whom the members are all from our class! I'm so proud of Pirates :') It was closed with 3'2015's video. I couldn't help but to get touched, we have already gone through so much for almost 2 years together. I don't know what's going to happen later when we graduate...

The event ended at around midnight. We were all dead tired when we went back to our respective rooms. We hit the bed because we had to wake up early the next day and prepare for packing, because it was our last day in Bali.

We had breakfast after we got up, as always. But this time it was less crowded. I guess some people decided just to pass breakfast so they could get some more sleep, hehehe. We got ready to pack all of our stuff, took a last glance at our room, and checked out. It was going to be the tour of the beaches, souvenir shopping, then to the airport, where we flew back to our hometown, Bandung.

Sadly, because our class were booked for the earliest flight, we didn't have much time to enjoy the beach. The plan was for all of the class to visit Pandawa Beach, then the classes which are booked for the earliest flight, got to go to Kuta Beach earliest too, so we could catch the flight in time. But when we got to Pandawa Beach, we played there for too long, so we couldn't go to Kuta, yet we went straight to Khrisna to buy souvenirs. I couldn't blame it, the Pandawa Beach was very beautiful. The sand, the water, everything :') But I wished we could've stayed there longer. At Khrisna we just bought everything we need to buy, because we couldn't visit anywhere else. I'm pretty sure all of the stock for Pie Susu was drained out that day hahaha :))

We headed for Ngurah Rai Airport, where it was our last stop in Bali. The airport was very different than the last time I visited Bali. It looks very neat, the design was gorgeous, it looked like airport from other countries. We checked in and we got into the plane, as fast as that. I fell asleep and the next thing I knew was that we had arrived in Hussein Sastranegara Airport. Back to the rainy yet humid atmosphere Bandung. I was glad to be back home. Because like what people said, there's no other place like home. But I wish to come back to Bali and to repeat every memory I had with 3'2015 <3

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