Tuesday, November 5, 2013

English Task - Conditional

If I get IDR,00....

  1. I will save it in the bank
  2. I will give some to my parents
  3. I will spend most of it on food
  4. I will buy my friends a meal
  5. I will donate some to charity
  6. I will be thankful
  7. I will get on a trip for a vacation
  8. I will buy a horse ranch
  9. people will know me as a young billionaire
  10. I will help my parents and also myself to do Hajj

I will be happy if...

  1. I get enough sleep 
  2. When it rains, I don't get wet
  3. I get to spend a lot of time with the people I love
  4. I am good at cooking
  5. I have time to read and write more
  6. I have a penguin as a pet
  7. I get to have a house near a beach
  8. I get a lifetime supply of chocolate
  9. my parents get to see me graduate school and college, get married, and have a family
  10. the sky is clear for the rest of the day
  11. I have a huge library full of my favorite books
  12. I go to heaven 

That is all :) 

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