Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Result of Debate - This House Believes That Penguins Should Not Be Kept As A Pet


Penguins as we know is an animal that mostly live on the coldest place on Earth, North Antartica. They are one of the most unique animals, having features not other animals have, such as the flippers. The wings on their side of their body do not help them fly, but they do help them swim through waters to hunt for food. Since this creature is not common to be seen all around the world, there are some people who wishes to have this species of bird as a pet, so they can look them up close and see them whenever they like. Even though penguin is an animal like any other, their current number on this planet is alarming, so the government decided to label them as an endangered animal.


Although most penguin live on North Antartica, there are also some which live on the Southern Hemisphere. There are reported a few of the penguin species that live on the Galapagos Island on the South America and they are used to live with a tropical weather. As we, Indonesian people, also live with a tropical weather, we can bring those species of penguin here and let them adjust to the condition of Indonesian weather. Living things  have the ability to adapt to live, so it won't be hard for them to get used to some differences. Then, because they are used to live in a habitat where they hunt food for their own by swimming in large amount of water, we can  build a place that is similar to their habitat. Make them a home in our house that is close to the original. We can build an artificial ocean in our backyard. Then, we can put their food in there so they can hunt for themselves. We can also make  our backyard to appear like its original living place. If we want them as a pet, we have to be responsible for their live, so we have to make them as comfortable as possible. As for the endangered species problem, there is a chance you can ask for permission to the government so you can have the certain endangered animal as your pet. As long as you promise to take responsibility for it and make adjustments to some papers, you can bring along a penguin to your house as a pet.


Since we live in a tropical island, if we wanted to have a penguin as a pet, we can't take the ones that live on the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Yes, we can take the ones from the Galapagos Island, but if we wanted to take the one that is used to cold weather, it will be hard for us since the penguins will not adapt well with tropical weather. It is not good to let the penguin to adjust to temperatures that have extreme differences. Next, despite the fact we can build a habitat for them as similar as possible, there is a chance we are killing its natural instinct. For example, if we keep on feeding them, there is a chance that the penguin will lose its hunting instinct and once we let it out back to the wild, it will be confused to adjust back to its own habit. Even if we only provide the fishes and not feeding it to them directly, still, it would have a critical effect. Then, with the penguins being labeled as endangered, it is not easy to take care of it. Even if we have permission from the government to have them as a pet, we still have a huge responsibility to take care of it. If they, in our hands, die some day, it would become our responsibility, and that means the decreasing number of its species is also our responsibility. We'd be interfering with nature. It's best to leave what belongs to nature as it was.


Penguin is a very unique animal. With its unique characteristics, there is no doubt there are people who are interested in keeping them as a pet. Even though there are many things we can do to make it happen, it is best to live penguin as its own habitat. It's better to search for pet that  is easier to adapt with the environment of our living space. 

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