Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Holiday Chronicles

So.. Hello everyone! Can you believe it's already 2014? Time flies by so fast... Apparently the last time I updated this blog was sometime last year, very sorry about that ^^v

As we all know new year means a new beginning for the school semester. But before that there is the rare occasion  of holiday (since holiday seems almost like a myth in my school) and I am here to tell you about it! :) Though I warn you it might not be that interesting but hey, thanks for taking your time to read my story ;)

First of all, I didn't really go anywhere on my holiday. The only time I got out of the city was probably when our school had this program where we had to stay for 2 nights and 3 days at a village and lived as villagers there. It was really fun, actually :) We got to enjoy the different atmosphere of the countryside. Also, we got to experience living like the people there. How they eat, work, and even clean up, we got to experience them all!

The most fun I had was when we had to teach the children there. Although it was more of 'having fun with the kids' rather than teaching, it had given us a chance to get closer to them :) Also, I had a lot of fun trekking the plantation which was pretty much overpopulated by a bunch of scallions... But I got to visit Citarum River at the bottom of the plantation! It did work us up a lot of sweat but it was worth it ;) When will you experience a thing like that once you're in the city?

I can't also thank you enough to the family that had taken me and a few of my friends to stay in their house for a couple of days. I couldn't help but to feel like a burden to them, but they treated our stay with the warmest welcome. I just wish I could give them something a bit more but alas, I didn't have a chance :( I just send my prayers for the best to them for being such generous and kind hearted people <3

Long story short I got home, one day before the report card was given and one day before it was the election for the next theatre extracurricular leader. I didn't expect I could go on until the top 3... But nonetheless I was there and apparently I got chosen :) Through all the shame I did performing in the school canteen, I did it. So there's one task I have to carry on for this one year, that's what I had in my mind. I wish I can be a leader they need me to be :D

Other than those stories, I spent my holiday catching up on old friends, new friends.. Hanging out with them. Also I got to finish a TV show serial and a few movies. Not to forget we were given a task throughout the holiday.. But I guess I really wanted to spent the holiday peacefully... So I didn't get to work on it until a few days before school came back ^^v The holiday can sometimes bring out the laziness in me...

The most boring story has got to be new year's eve though.. While everyone was out partying, waiting for the clock to strike 12, I was at home, also waiting for the clock to strike 12. The difference is while everyone was dressed up I was in my pyjamas. I didn't really plan on doing anything on new year's eve anyway so I wasn't disappointed. Once it was officially 2014 I could hear the roaring of fireworks coming from every corners of the sky. The sound it made probably kept me awake but I didn't fall asleep until it was about 2. So much for fixing my sleeping schedule, too..

At the last three days of our holiday, me and my friends from PK had a 3 days and 2 nights stay for the sake of our organization and also to refresh our mind together. But the thought of school coming nearer haunted me until the end of the week. When I finally got home I realized I had to get back to my old schedule and prepare the books for the next day. It was a nice 2 weeks holiday but still, we may need some more for the sake of our sanity.

That's all about my holiday! It's not much, but I'd just like to get that out to all of you :) I hope you have a good day! Merci <3

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