Thursday, June 12, 2014

Questions from This Blog! Read it to Answer it! ;)

Questions 1 - 5 are from Amazing Nature - About Meteor Showers

1. A meteor shower will occur when the Earth passes the path of a...
    A. Moon
    B. Planet
    C. Comet
    D. Asteroid
    E. Satellite
2. Meteors are more common in the ..... season
    A. Winter
    B. Autumn
    C. Spring
    D. Summer
    E. Rainy
3. Meteors actually happen at nights, but not all of us see it. An attentive observer can catch ..... meteors per hour
    A. 4 or 5
    B. 2 or 10
    C. 1 or 5
    D. 10 or 14
    E. 20
4. The debris of the comet is no larger than...
    A. A pinch of salt
    B. A Group of seeds
    C. A Group of bees
    D. A Grain of sand
    E. Little rocks
5. Meteor showers can be predicted! It occurs...
   A. The same time each year
   B. Twice a year
   C. Once every ten years
   D. According to the condition of the galazy
   E. Once a month in odd years

Questions 6 - 15 are from Movie Review!
6. Who directed The Hunger Games - Catching Fire movie?
     A. Quentin Tarantino
     B. James Cameron
     C. Francis Lawrence
     D. Stephen Spielberg
     E. Josh Hutcherson
7. How many districts are there in Panem?
    A. 4 districts
    B. 6 districts
    C. 8 districts
    D. 10 districts
    E. 12 districts
8. Who was/were the victor(s) of The 74th Hunger Games?
    A. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark
    B. Katniss Everdeen
    C. Peeta Mellark
    D. Haymitch Abernathy
    E. Nobody won
9. What is the name of Panem's president?
    A. President Coin
    B. President Bush
    C. President Snow
    D. President Hollow
    E. President Grain
10. What is the other name for The 75th Hunger Games?
     A. Game Number 75
     B. The Third Quarter Quell
     C. The Last Hunger Games
     D. Kill and Win
     E. There's no other name
11. What's the name of Katniss' best friend?
     A. Jay
     B. Kyle
     C. Gale
     D. Benjamin
     E. Veronica
12. Why was The Hunger Games invented?
     A. Because the people of Capitol needed entertainment
     B. To stop the past rebellion by other people of Panem to the Capitol
     C. To stop the economic crisis back then
     D. To show that people are willing to sacrifice for the people they love
     E. Because Panem wanted to do like what other countries did
13. Aside from Katniss, who was the other female victor from District 12?
    A. No one else
    B. Johanna Mason
    C. Suzanne Collins
    D. Mags
    E. Annie Cresta
14. Aside from Peeta, who was the other male victor from District 12?
   A. No one else
   B. Finnick Odair
   C. Haymitch Abernathy
   D. Cinna
   E. Gale
15.The film ended with....
   A. Peeta got killed by Katniss
   B. The victors who teamed up got out of the arena safely
   C. The Capitol got destroyed by The 75th Hunger Games participant
   D. Katniss got transferred to District 13, a district which was thought to have been obliterated
   E. Katniss and Peeta fell in love and ran away to District 12

Questions 16 - 20 are from Most Inspiring Story - The Story of Louis Braille
16. When was Louis Braille born?
  A. 1821
  B. 1810
  C. 1809
  D. 1818
  E. 1804
17. What made Louis Braille lose his seeing ability?
  A. His hand slipped when he played with his dad's awl, it poked his eye
  B. He hit his head too hard to a tree
  C. He was born that way
  D. He was playing with his friend when his friend accidentally poked his eye
  E. He got into a car crash
18. Where was the place for the school especially for blind people?
  A. London
  B. New York
  C. Hungary
  D. Paris
  E. Rome
19. What inspired him to make the Louis Braille alphabet?
  A. He wants the blind people to be able to read differently
  B. He wants to be famous
  C. He wants to find a way so blind people could read quickly and easily as a normal person
  D. He hoped to make his parents proud
  E. He wants to impress the person he liked
20. The Louis Braille alphabet consist of how many dots?
 A. 6 dots
 B. 4 dots
 C. 7 dots
 D. 10 dots
 E. 5 dots

The Story of #32015's Journey to Bali

Hello again! :) I am back here to share you the story of my journey to Bali with my schoolmates back in April. It was one of the most memorable experience in my life, and what better way to share your wonderful experience than to share it with your friends? :)

We went there by varieties of vehicles. We crossed every landscape, land, water, even air! First thing first, we rode the train from Bandung. We were told to gather at the station at about 4 PM. By the time I arrived, I could feel the excitement filled the air. The station was packed with people, whether they are the students from my school, their parents, or strangers. It was a few hours before we were told to get aboard the train at 8 PM. The train was very nice, and since it was my first experience riding a train in a long journey, I was pretty excited. By the time the train moved, people were chatting and making noises, our class got pretty hyperactive as the time went by. For some reason I didn't feel quite good after dinner so I decided to doze off for a while, only to fail because of my uncomfortable sitting position. Thankfully when morning came, I felt a bit rested. We arrived at Surabaya the morning after then continued our journey by bus. It was a little while until we arrived at a restaurant and had a lunch there. But after that we continued our journey to the pier. The journey by bus has got to be the most tiring one in my opinion. For some reason, I kept falling asleep rather than walking around and talking to people. But probably because of those unneeded sleep I tend to get tired easily. The sun had set by the time we arrived at the last stop before we go to the pier. After dinner, we continued our journey to the pier and got aboard. It was pretty hectic inside the ship, considering there were about 300 and more people on it. We finally arrived at Bali around 9 PM local time. With tired faces, we continued our not-ending-yet journey to our hotel in Denpasar. It took about 4 hours to get there. When we finally arrived, we dragged our suitcases into our respective rooms and  crashed into the beds, knowing we had to wake up early the next day.

The first day, we spent our morning in Tanjung Benoa, where we played varieties of water sports. For some reason I didn't feel like getting myself wet so I didn't choose many sports. In the end I only chose two, with one of them, parasailing, got exchanged with banana boat, because there were already too many people queuing and minimum time left. But it was okay since I finally got  to feel the sands on my toes and feel the sun light bathing my face once again. I missed the feeling of being on a beach <3

We changed our clothes and went to GWK, the famous unfinished sculpture. Until now, the sculpture had not yet been finished, only the fingers had finally been  made. The sculpture was designed to be so huge that if it did got displayed, it will be taller than the liberty statue! :o There, we were assigned to participate in a game. After the game was finished we took a photo of the whole #32015 who came :) It was amazing when you finally realized how many people you go to school with everyday. A few hours later we watched a performance of Bali's traditional dance/performance, which is the Kecak Dance.

The day passed and night came. We had dinner at the local seafood restaurant. We were actually in the middle of two groups of people who are also having an event, so it was pretty loud back then hahaha. We had dinner, played a few games, then it was closed with a performance by one of our friend, singing along to a song that got all of us to our feet and jammed to the song! It was super fun, one of the most fun nights I've ever had. But then it had to end, and we were taken back to the hotel to rest, where there will be new activities waiting for us the next day.

We woke up the next morning feeling pretty tired. But we had to get ready early like we did the day before. Our schedule for that day was first to visit a local village for tourist visits which was Desa Adat Panglipuran. We didn't do much there. We only took some photos, visit some of the houses there and did a little bit of shopping hehehe. But then we got to bus once again and continued our journey of the day to Kintamani, where we had such a delicious lunch and pray break. It was near the mountains so no wonder it was colder than other places in Bali. After filling our stomachs, we went to Sukowati, a market place to buy merchandise and other stuff with affordable prices. But to get it you have to bargain with the sellers to get an agreement price. It was so crowded and I decided to only buy a few sleeping garments for my mom and my sister. I'm not the type of person to bargain so I didn't try hard ^^v We went to the hotel a little earlier because at night we were going to have an event called MAKRAB! It is a night where all of the people from 3'2015 gather and bond, to create a better friendship between all of us :) It was filled with performance and awards. I got to perform with my extracurricular, Tiloe's Theatre. I just hoped we entertained all of the audience hehehe. Our class won some awards, and even the official song of 3'2015 was sung by ZHAGAM, a band whom the members are all from our class! I'm so proud of Pirates :') It was closed with 3'2015's video. I couldn't help but to get touched, we have already gone through so much for almost 2 years together. I don't know what's going to happen later when we graduate...

The event ended at around midnight. We were all dead tired when we went back to our respective rooms. We hit the bed because we had to wake up early the next day and prepare for packing, because it was our last day in Bali.

We had breakfast after we got up, as always. But this time it was less crowded. I guess some people decided just to pass breakfast so they could get some more sleep, hehehe. We got ready to pack all of our stuff, took a last glance at our room, and checked out. It was going to be the tour of the beaches, souvenir shopping, then to the airport, where we flew back to our hometown, Bandung.

Sadly, because our class were booked for the earliest flight, we didn't have much time to enjoy the beach. The plan was for all of the class to visit Pandawa Beach, then the classes which are booked for the earliest flight, got to go to Kuta Beach earliest too, so we could catch the flight in time. But when we got to Pandawa Beach, we played there for too long, so we couldn't go to Kuta, yet we went straight to Khrisna to buy souvenirs. I couldn't blame it, the Pandawa Beach was very beautiful. The sand, the water, everything :') But I wished we could've stayed there longer. At Khrisna we just bought everything we need to buy, because we couldn't visit anywhere else. I'm pretty sure all of the stock for Pie Susu was drained out that day hahaha :))

We headed for Ngurah Rai Airport, where it was our last stop in Bali. The airport was very different than the last time I visited Bali. It looks very neat, the design was gorgeous, it looked like airport from other countries. We checked in and we got into the plane, as fast as that. I fell asleep and the next thing I knew was that we had arrived in Hussein Sastranegara Airport. Back to the rainy yet humid atmosphere Bandung. I was glad to be back home. Because like what people said, there's no other place like home. But I wish to come back to Bali and to repeat every memory I had with 3'2015 <3

Most Inspiring Story: The Story of Louis Braille


There was a time, not long ago, when most people thought that blind people could never learn to read. People thought that the only way to read was to look at words with your eyes.
A young French boy named Louis Braille thought otherwise. Blind from the age of three, young Louis desperately wanted to read. He realized the vast world of thought and ideas that was locked out to him because of his disability. And he was determined to find the key to this door for himself, and for all other blind persons.
This story begins in the early part of the nineteenth century. Louis Braille was born in 1809, in a small village near Paris. His father made harnesses and other leather goods to sell to the other villagers. Louis' father often used sharp tools to cut and punch holes in the leather.
One of the tools he used to makes holes was a sharp awl. An awl is a tool that looks like a short pointed stick, with a round, wooden handle. While playing with one of his father's awls, Louis' hand slipped and he accidentally poked one of his eyes. At first the injury didn't seem serious, but then the wound became infected. A few days later young Louis lost sight in both his eyes. The first few days after becoming blind were very hard.
But as the days went by Louis learned to adapt and learned to lead an otherwise normal life. He went to school with all his friends and did well at his studies. He was both intelligent and creative. He wasn't going to let his disability slow him down one bit.
As he grew older, he realized that the small school he attended did not have the money and resources he needed. He heard of a school in Paris that was especially for blind students. Louis didn't have to think twice about going. He packed his bags and went off to find himself a solid education.
When he arrived at the special school for the blind, he asked his teacher if the school had books for blind persons to read. Louis found that the school did have books for the blind to read.
These books had large letters that were raised up off the page. Since the letters were so big, the books themselves were large and bulky. More importantly, the books were expensive to buy. The school had exactly fourteen of them.
Louis set about reading all fourteen books in the school library. He could feel each letter, but it took him a long time to read a sentence. It took a few seconds to reach each word and by the time he reached the end of a sentence, he almost forgot what the beginning of the sentence was about. Louis knew there must be a better way.
There must be a way for a blind person to quickly feel the words on a page. There must be a way for a blind person to read as quickly and as easily as a sighted person.
That day he set himself the goal of thinking up a system for blind people to read. He would try to think of some alphabet code to make his 'finger reading' as quick and easy as sighted reading.
Now Louis was a tremendously creative person. He learned to play the cello and organ at a young age. He was so talented an organist that he played at churches all over Paris.
Music was really his first love. It also happened to be a steady source of income. Louis had great confidence in his own creative abilities.
He knew that he was as intelligent and creative as any other person his own age. And his musical talent showed how much he could accomplish when given a chance.
One day chance walked in the door. Somebody at the school heard about an alphabet code that was being used by the French army. This code was used to deliver messages at night from officers to soldiers. The messages could not be written on paper because the soldier would have to strike a match to read it.
The light from the match would give the enemy a target at which to shoot. The alphabet code was made up of small dots and dashes. These symbols were raised up off the paper so that soldiers could read them by running their fingers over them. Once the soldiers understood the code, everything worked fine.
Louis got hold of some of this code and tried it out. It was much better than reading the gigantic books with gigantic raised letters.
But the army code was still slow and cumbersome. The dashes took up a lot of space on a page. Each page could only hold one or two sentences. Louis knew that he could improve this alphabet in some way.
On his next vacation home, he would spend all his time working on finding a way to make this improvement. When he arrived home for school vacation, he was greeted warmly by his parents.
His mother and father always encouraged him on his music and other school projects. Louis sat down to think about how he could improve the system of dots and dashes. He liked the idea of the raised dots, but could do without the raised dashes.
As he sat there in his father's leather shop, he picked up one of his father's blunt awls. The idea came to him in a flash. The very tool which had caused him to go blind could be used to make a raised dot alphabet that would enable him to read.
The next few days he spent working on an alphabet made up entirely of six dots. The position of the different dots would represent the different letters of the alphabet.
Louis used the blunt awl to punch out a sentence. He read it quickly from left to right. Everything made sense. It worked...


This was a very inspiring story for me. The way he didn't let his disability get in the way of him trying to do something useful, and at the end created something revolutionary, making a change for people with seeing disability. Other than that, the message I get is for you to not stop believing in God, because even though a tragedy hits you, it may create another path in your life, that will be better for you in some way :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Movie Review!

Image Source

Movie Title     : The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Duration          : 2 hours and 26 minutes
Director           : Francis Lawrence
Cast                 : Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark), Liam
                          Hemsworth (Gale Hawthorne), Donald Sutherland (President Snow), Woody
                          Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy)


This movie is adapted from the second book of the trilogy The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins.

Image Source

The main idea of the story is that in the country of Panem every year there is an annual game called The Hunger Games, in which every district in Panem, from 1 to 12, must deliver two tributes, one male and one female. These tributes must try to win by fighting against each other to death or by surviving the natural environments inside the arena. The games were invented in the past to stop the rebellion against the Capitol, showing that the districts would not have the ability to destroy their capital city.

In the first movie it was told the two tributes from District 12, Katnis Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, had won the 74th Hunger Games. It was the first time, since usually there could only be one winner. This act was seen as a threat by President Snow, the President of Panem. Because of it, districts around Panem had started to rebel against the rules in their respective districts.

The second movie continues the story, as the two victors of District 12, Katniss and Peeta, must go on a victory tour across all districts to gush on their victory and pay respect to the family of the fallen tributes. As the tour goes, they realize the conditions in the districts have changed. There are many rumors of the rebellion may happen again.
A shocking turn of event happens, as it is announced that the 75th Hunger Games or The Third Quarter Quell will be reaping tributes from the districts' existing pool of victors. Katniss, who is the only female victor from District 12, and Haymitch are chosen as the tributes for the Quarter Quell. But Peeta volunteered for Haymitch so he can go back to the arena with Katniss.

They are met with highly skilled and experienced victors and are fighting obstacles in the arena which are more dangerous than last year's. In the arena, they find people who are willing to be their allies and work together to fight against the enemies' side.In the games, Katniss also tries to figure out her feelings for his on screen lover, Peeta. The person she wants to survive from this year's Games. But at the same time she also wants to protect the people from back home, her mother, her sister, and her best friend, Gale. This caused her to have conflicting feelings throughout the games. In the end, Katniss tries to end the game by destroying the arena. She wakes up after being unconscious for several days inside a room, where she finds out that her district has been destroyed and she is transferred to District 13, a district which was thought to be obliterated by the cause of rebellion.

Personal Review

Personally, I think this movie is a great mixture of imagination, action, and also a little bit of romance. The book itself was already genius and the way the director transformed it into a movie was brilliant.

Because it is a pretty complicated story, it is recommended to either read the book or watch the first movie before watching this. What I like the most from the story is how it shows the struggle of a person that wants to make a change. Katniss uses her ability to take down the people she hates the most, which is The Capitol. This movie portrays a heroine who are willing to do anything for the people she loves. Also the romance inside the story is pretty unexpected, seeing it involves many conflicting feelings.

The actors played their roles very well. Jennifer Lawrence, who played the main character, Katniss Everdeen, really gets the part of a girl who wants to make a fight, but at the same time broken from all the things she has been through. Her chemistry with Josh Hutcherson, who plays Peeta is amazing. The clothes for some of the parts of the movie are very beautiful. Although the ones that are worn by the people in the Capitol are a little bit too much, there are some dresses  worn by Jennifer Lawrence that looks stunning.

The most amazing aspect from this movie is the places and the special effects that are used. The arena was designed to look like a clock, where the Cornuccopia, is placed in the center of it. The special effects such as smoke, killer monkeys and others look like it's real. The special effects also successfully show how people are killed without making it too sadistic.

Overall, I really recommend people to watch this movie :) It's very interesting and it will make you anxious to wait for the next movie (I know I do). If I'm not convincing you enough, here are the trailers from the movie

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

I hope you enjoy them! ;)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gerunds and Infinitives


1. I enjoy watching TV serials online
2. Part of me admits avoiding him is not the answer
3. The computer continues emitting a weird sound
4. I can't help falling in love with him everytime he smiles
5. They stopped fighting once they got separated
6. She keeps paying attention to the lesson eventhough the whole class has gone crazy
7. Clarice prefers taking the taxi to school rather than the bus
8. He was so restless, he couldn't stop tossing and turning in his sleep
9. My mom recommended painting as a way to ease my pain
10. I miss having someone to talk to on a sleepless night


1. At first I hesitated to tell him, but then again I wouldn't have another chance
2. She offers to give me her entire collection of Barbie dolls
3. I always try to hold myself back
4. He vowed to protect me no matter what happened
5. Her latest promise is to stop having negative thoughts on her boyfriend
6. They expect for the test results to be wonderful
7. I decided to live on my own when I was 21
8. He offers to give his jacket but she was too shy to accept it
9. My mom gives her best to prepare for tonight's meal
10. I hate to break it to you, but it is the truth

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Amazing Nature - About Meteor Showers

What are meteor showers?

A meteor shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.

How do meteor showers happen?
As a comet travels close to the Sun, it heats up and part of the comet vaporizes. After a comet has orbited the Sun many times, a lot of small pieces of the comet are left along the comet's path. A meteor shower happens when Earth passes through the path of a comet. When this happens, the bits of comet debris, most no larger than a grain of sand, create streaks of light in the night sky as they burn up in Earth's atmosphere. Bits of debris which enter Earth's atmosphere are called meteors. On any night, there are several small meteors which shoot across the sky. However, during a meteor shower, tens to hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. Many of these meteor showers can be predicted and occur at the same time each year. 

How often do meteor showers happen?

On most nights, an attentive observer might expect to see between two and ten meteors per hour, depending on the season and time: more meteors are seen in the autumn, and rates are highest as dawn approaches.
Meteor showers occur at the same time each year, as Earth in its annual orbit around the Sun ploughs through streams of debris. About twenty prominent showers are recognized, varying in activity from a handful of meteors per hour, to one per minute or more. Some can even, on occasion, produce storms in which the sky is filled with meteors for a short time.

A meteor shower that is expected to happen at the 5th and 6th May of 2014

The meteor shower is a natural phenomenon that is rarely seen by human, maybe because it often occurs late at night. But in my opinion, it is a very beautiful event which should be witnessed by us before we die. I hope to see one someday :)

Have a nice day! :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Student Council - The Next Leader (An English Task)

Hello my fellow friends, my name is Siti Haura Khairani and I am the second candidate in this year head of student's council election. In this time I have been given, I wish to tell you about my visions, missions, and also the programs I would do If I were to be elected as the head of student's council.

First of all, my vision is to bring the student council and also the whole school to a better condition in terms of academic, non-academic activities, and also in morality. As I have seen the school condition these days, the process of studying is not very efficient, which creates a non effective time to gain knowledge. Then, I see that non-academic activities are not very supported by the school itself. To me, it is not a good thing since high school is a place where you should not only expand your knowledge but also to explore your other potentials. Last but not least, the morality in this school is not as respected it was and I will try to bring it back to how it once was.

To support my vision, my missions are first to create a comfortable environment both for students and for teachers so that the studying process can go effectively. Other than comfortable environment I will also try to adjust the wants of the students and the teachers so both of these components will be more content in the process of studying. Second mission is to maximize the non-academic activities such as organization and extracurricular activities. Though knowledge is important, soft skill is also a must have and much better if it is improved. Third mission is to bring back the sense of respect for morality from all the people of the school, so this school will once again remember that to be a great person, you first must have manners.

These are the list of  programs I would like to make if I was chosen:
1. Frequent studying activities outside the class
2. A discussion form between representation of students and the teachers about studying process
3. Arts & Music Recital
4. Anti-Swearing Day

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone for giving me an opportunity to be entrusted as a candidate and the possibility of being the head of student council. It is both a touching and horrifying experience. Also, seeing the other fellow candidates, I can't help but to admire everything they have more than me. I am not going to make everyone to vote for me, but I am here to ask you to vote for the best for our school. I can't promise you that everything I have said will happen, but I can promise you I will try and be the best leader for everyone.

Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Conditional Sentences - An English Task

1. a. If I have more time in the world, I will spend it with the people I love
    b. If I had more time in the world, I would spend it with the people I love
    c. If I had had more time in the world, I would have spent it with the people I love

2. a. If I come to your house, I will bring some food and snacks
    b. If I came to your house, I would bring some food and snacks
    c. If I had come to your house, I would have brought some food and snacks

3. a. If my family choose to go on a vacation this year, I will pick Europe as the destination
    b. If my family chose to go on a vacation this year, I would pick Europe as the destination
    c.If my family had chosen to go on a vacation this year, I would have picked Europe as the destination

4. a. I'll bake you a cake if you will tell me when your birthday is
    b. I'd bake you a cake if you told me when your birthday is
    c. I'd have baked you a cake if you had told me when your birthday was

5. a. If I'm not your first love, I will try to be your last
    b. If I was not your first love, I would try to be your last
    c. If I had not been your first love, I would have tried to be your last

6. a. I will pick you up if the weather doesn't go any worse
    b. I would pick you up if the weather didn't go any worse
    c. I would have picked you up if the weather hadn't gone any worse

7. a. The cat will come to you if you are nice to it
    b. The cat would come to you if you were nice to it
    c. The cat would have come to you if you had been nice to it

8. a. I will finish my book if the teachers give us a free-from-homework holiday
    b. I would finish my book if the teachers gave us a free-from-homework holiday
    c. I would have finished my book if the teacher had given us a free-from-homework holiday

9. a. If you want, I can accompany you throughout the night
    b. If you wanted, I could accompany you throughout the night
    c. If you had wanted, I could have accompanied you throughout the night

10 . a. The bank robbery won't happen if the security is tight enough
       b. The bank robbery wouldn't happen if the security was tight enough
       c. The bank robbery wouldn't had happened if the security had been tight enough

The Holiday Chronicles

So.. Hello everyone! Can you believe it's already 2014? Time flies by so fast... Apparently the last time I updated this blog was sometime last year, very sorry about that ^^v

As we all know new year means a new beginning for the school semester. But before that there is the rare occasion  of holiday (since holiday seems almost like a myth in my school) and I am here to tell you about it! :) Though I warn you it might not be that interesting but hey, thanks for taking your time to read my story ;)

First of all, I didn't really go anywhere on my holiday. The only time I got out of the city was probably when our school had this program where we had to stay for 2 nights and 3 days at a village and lived as villagers there. It was really fun, actually :) We got to enjoy the different atmosphere of the countryside. Also, we got to experience living like the people there. How they eat, work, and even clean up, we got to experience them all!

The most fun I had was when we had to teach the children there. Although it was more of 'having fun with the kids' rather than teaching, it had given us a chance to get closer to them :) Also, I had a lot of fun trekking the plantation which was pretty much overpopulated by a bunch of scallions... But I got to visit Citarum River at the bottom of the plantation! It did work us up a lot of sweat but it was worth it ;) When will you experience a thing like that once you're in the city?

I can't also thank you enough to the family that had taken me and a few of my friends to stay in their house for a couple of days. I couldn't help but to feel like a burden to them, but they treated our stay with the warmest welcome. I just wish I could give them something a bit more but alas, I didn't have a chance :( I just send my prayers for the best to them for being such generous and kind hearted people <3

Long story short I got home, one day before the report card was given and one day before it was the election for the next theatre extracurricular leader. I didn't expect I could go on until the top 3... But nonetheless I was there and apparently I got chosen :) Through all the shame I did performing in the school canteen, I did it. So there's one task I have to carry on for this one year, that's what I had in my mind. I wish I can be a leader they need me to be :D

Other than those stories, I spent my holiday catching up on old friends, new friends.. Hanging out with them. Also I got to finish a TV show serial and a few movies. Not to forget we were given a task throughout the holiday.. But I guess I really wanted to spent the holiday peacefully... So I didn't get to work on it until a few days before school came back ^^v The holiday can sometimes bring out the laziness in me...

The most boring story has got to be new year's eve though.. While everyone was out partying, waiting for the clock to strike 12, I was at home, also waiting for the clock to strike 12. The difference is while everyone was dressed up I was in my pyjamas. I didn't really plan on doing anything on new year's eve anyway so I wasn't disappointed. Once it was officially 2014 I could hear the roaring of fireworks coming from every corners of the sky. The sound it made probably kept me awake but I didn't fall asleep until it was about 2. So much for fixing my sleeping schedule, too..

At the last three days of our holiday, me and my friends from PK had a 3 days and 2 nights stay for the sake of our organization and also to refresh our mind together. But the thought of school coming nearer haunted me until the end of the week. When I finally got home I realized I had to get back to my old schedule and prepare the books for the next day. It was a nice 2 weeks holiday but still, we may need some more for the sake of our sanity.

That's all about my holiday! It's not much, but I'd just like to get that out to all of you :) I hope you have a good day! Merci <3